Zaros DAO

Following the IDO, the Zaros DAO will be initiated. Aligned with the decentralized principles of blockchain and DeFi, Zaros will establish a DAO to guide the direction of the protocol's development and progression.

How is the Zaros DAO going to be guided?

Decision-making within the DAO will revolve around two types of proposals: ZIPs (Zaros Improvement Proposals) and ZCCPs (Zaros Configuration Change Proposals).

Detailing proposals types

  • ZIPs: The purpose of this process is to ensure changes to Zaros are transparent and well governed. A ZIP is a design document providing information to the Zaros community about a proposed change to the system. The author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions.

  • ZCCPs: Documents for making a case for modifying one of the system configuration variables. The intent is to provide a clear and detailed history behind each configuration change and the rationale behind it at the time it was implemented. The author of the document is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions.

Zaros DAO Council: An Overview

What is a DAO Council?

A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) Council serves as the governing body of a DAO. This council is typically elected by the organization's members and is responsible for making key decisions regarding the organization's direction, policy, and use of funds. The council operates based on the principles of decentralized governance, ensuring that power and decision-making are distributed among its members rather than centralized in a single authority.

Zaros DAO Council

Specifically, for Zaros DAO, the council acts as the executive arm of the organization, implementing the decisions voted upon by its community. The Zaros DAO council is crucial for steering the governance of the projects within the Zaros ecosystem, setting strategic goals, and overseeing the proper allocation of resources. This ensures that the organization remains aligned with its vision and values, promoting transparency and participation among all members.

Electing the Zaros DAO Council

Members of the Zaros DAO play a direct role in shaping its future by electing the council. The election process is facilitated through the use of gZRS tokens, which are the governance tokens of Zaros. gZRS holders have the right to vote in council elections, with the weight of their vote being proportionate to the amount of gZRS they hold. This system encourages active participation in the DAO's governance processes, allowing members to have a say in key decisions and in who represents them on the Zaros DAO council.

Epoch 1 Structure

The election for the Zaros DAO Council will take place at Snapshot, starting on June 26th 12:00pm UTC. Voters will have their gZRS voting power saved in a snapshot, and will be able to allocate it in their preferred council candidates. Elected council members will represent the DAO for 6 months, when a new election for Epoch 2 should happen. Further details on epoch 1 and the Zaros DAO structure will be presented and ratified at ZIP-1, which is going to be voted by the first council members.

Council NFT

Members of the Zaros DAO Council are going to receive an ERC-721 token, which represents their voting power in ZIPs and ZCCps that will be presented by the core contributors and Zaros' community during the first epoch.

Council Compensation

The initial compensation proposed for council members is of $5,000 USD in ZRS tokens every quarter. ZRS tokens will be locked and set as a Sablier NFT, presenting a 3 months cliff period.

Last updated